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With a talented, multidisciplinary, highly qualified and internationally experienced team, in addition to the consolidation of a pool of experts, Polo Suite acts as a management and services agency for the installation and operation of companies and businesses in the Polo Multimodal Pecém Smart Chain City.

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A Polo Suite service cell which offers a set of integrated solutions and uses algorithms specifically developed with a focus on management and control of Water, Gas, Electricity and other utilities - in addition to logistics and security. Multimodal Utilities uses an innovative Web Platform for integrated management, monitoring and control of points with
telemetry, which makes it possible to remotely follow the consumption of the most diverse variables in real time.

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A business showcase where installed companies and Smart Chain City partnerships will be able to offer and market their products and services with the security of blockchain technology. It is also a sales channel that functions as an integrating hub, allowing companies and partners to connect with their target markets and with some of the largest marketplaces in Brazil and the world.

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The company that creates, selects and participates in projects, applications, startups and innovative companies that operate in the Smart Chain City. A business and investment manager that enables the efficient funding of technologies and companies at various stages of their development, which are specifically positioned in the strategic sectors of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Logistics, Energy, New Materials and Design.

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Intelligence Center

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