Access and integration of key means of transport (sea, road, rail and air) are a major attraction as they contribute to greater speed, safety, optimisation and efficiency in logistics processes, as well as expanding Brazil’s connectivity potential with the rest of the world.


The region’s main logistics corridor bordering the Polo Multimodal Pecém. The wide frontage to the federal highway represents an attraction for the installation of trade and service companies that will support the Polo Multimodal Pecém and the Pecém Port Industrial Complex (Complexo Industrial do Porto do Pecém, CIPP).

The BR 222 is the most important logistics corridor in the state of Ceará, connecting the Pecém area to Fortaleza and to the country’s northern states. Its access to the BR 116 highway connects to the south and southeast regions.


The railway system crosses the entire Polo Multimodal Pecém, providing connectivity with the Port of Pecém and other regions of the country. There are also plans to build branch lines for the loading and unloading of goods within the Polo Multimodal Pecém.
The Transnordestina Railway, through logistics that unite high-performance rail, road and maritime modalities, enables greater competitiveness in the distribution of agricultural and mineral production in the region.

• A reduction in the logistical cost for medium and long-distance transport of goods compared to road transport.
• Large cargo handling capacity at low cost.
• High energy efficiency in a sustainable manner.


The construction of the Polo Multimodal Pecém Airport project will be located 12 miles away from the Pecém Port and 34 miles from the Fortaleza International Airport. In the first phase, the Polo Pecém Airport will include an 1,800-metre runway and two helipads, integrating the region’s air logistics.

Polo Pecém Airport

• Emergency response.
• Timesaving on the corporate agenda.
• Corporate/executive security.
Business plan designed modular concept, allowing project expansions with the possibility of making it an airport.
Aerodrome designed in strategic location with capacity for Gulfstream G500 business aircraft and / or aircraft size business jet models A310 / B737.
Potential markets: "Services" and "Aeronautical business condominium". It should also add value to the industrial hubs to be implemented by Polo Multimodal Pecém.

Main Brazilian Airports
and Airplane Flow in real time.
Air transport is one of the most dynamic sectors of the economy.
In 2016, Brazilian GDP was USD 1.8 trillion, of which 0.3% (USD 53.9 billion) came from aviation.
Despite its vast territorial extension, Brazil has only 2,446 airports, which means a lack of better airport infrastructure.
Executive / corporate aviation (business aviation) has the fundamental purpose of connecting origins and destinations in the shortest time and with the greatest possible flexibility. Private planes and helicopters play a strategic role in bringing investments from large capitals to the most remote cities, uniting interests from the most varied sectors and connecting national companies to global markets.
Regular air transport proves to be unable to meet the needs of companies that need capillarity and versatility. In practice, the business aircraft offers a better ratio between “origin x destination x total travel time”, which translates into productivity.
The Brazilian business aviation fleet is the third largest in the world, with 1,650 aircraft, behind only Mexico and the United States. In the Brazilian northeast alone, there are more than 270 aircraft.

"Today Ceará is one of the flight connection centers in Brazil and abroad. This status is a trigger for other investments in the State. Of course, there is a dependency on the national economic scenario, but the aviation sector is an important axis of growth.
Last year, with the operation of the new concessionaire at Fortaleza Airport in operation, Fraport, since January 2018, and the Air France-KLM / Gol hub, since May of the same year, were 85% more international flights before 2017. The biggest jump registered among the Brazilian capitals.
Regional aviation has also seen results. Negotiations to fly to Interior airports have intensified. Jericoacoara started to have more investments. Aracati won the entrepreneurial eye and today inaugurates Azul flight, coming from Recife. "
Source: O POVO


Considered the new frontier of the global market, it is one of the most efficient and sustainable Ports in Brazil due to its strategic position reinforced by the recent expansion of the Panama Canal, which allows to reduce the time of maritime connection with Asian ports. Due to its geography privileged and modern infrastructure, Porto do Pecém has capacity to receive large container ships of the Post Panamax class.
In 2018, the Port of Rotterdam (Netherlands), Europe’s biggest shipping area - and one of the largest in the world - acquired a stake in Companhia de Desenvolvimento do Complexo Industrial e Portuário do Pecém, S/A (CIPP), thereby consolidating the Port of Pecém’s position in the goods transit world market, offering important competitive advantages for logistics in global trade and boosting development.
With the Ceará Export Processing Zone (Zona de Processamento de Exportação, ZPE) installed at the CIPP, the region around Pecém possesses a key differential for exportfocused companies.

• Reduced logistics cost for import and export companies due to its proximity to the world’s main consumer markets, such as the US, Europe, Africa and Asia.
• Solid land access infrastructure, ample space for business expansion with reduced operating costs.
• The Polo Multimodal Pecém is connected to the Port of Pecém via the BR 222 and the Transnordestina Railway.