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Smart City on the radio CBN with Victor Ghia and Nádia Khaled

Updated: Nov 23, 2018

TECNOLOGY DAY BY DAY – February 28th 2018.

From left to right: Dra Nadia Khaled, Victor Ghia, Maisa Vasconcelos and Áulio Antunes.

The program Tecnology day by day of O Povo CBN on February 28th 2018 was dedicated to the subject “Smart city”. Took part to the conversation Márcio Rios, civil engineer, GBFOR director and advisor on construction and sustainable cities; Dra Nadia Khaled, architect and urban planner, doctor in science and materials engineering and advisor of the Technological Center of the Federal University of Ceará (UFC); Victor Ghia, director of operations of Polo Multimodal Pecém and owner of G&P Consulting company and Áulio Antunes, civil engineer and communication and marketing director of Senge-Ce.

Online News Link with audio from the radio interview:

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